Most Read Articles

Most read Articles are listed by the number of read for the previous three months.

End-to-end speech recognition models using limited training data
제한된 학습 데이터를 사용하는 End-to-End 음성 인식 모델
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2020;12(4):63-71.
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Building robust Korean speech recognition model by fine-tuning large pretrained model
대형 사전훈련 모델의 파인튜닝을 통한 강건한 한국어 음성인식 모델 구축
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2023;15(3):75-82.
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Voice onset time in English and Korean stops with respect to a sound change
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2021;13(2):9-17.
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Analysis of domestic research trends related to the development of digital therapeutics (DTx) in the field of communication disorders
의사소통장애 분야에서 디지털 치료제(DTx) 개발과 관련된 국내 연구동향 분석
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2022;14(4):57-66.
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Development of the video-based smart utterance deep analyser (SUDA) application
동영상 기반 자동 발화 심층 분석(SUDA) 어플리케이션 개발
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2020;12(2):63-72.
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Phonological development of children aged 3 to 7 under the condition of sentence repetition
문장 따라말하기 과제에서 3~7세 아동의 말소리발달
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2020;12(1):85-95.
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Comparison of acoustic features due to the Lombard effect in typically developing children and adults
롬바르드 효과가 아동과 성인의 말소리 산출에 미치는 영향: 음향학적 특성과 모음공간면적을 중심으로
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2024;16(2):19-27.
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Voice range differences in vowels by voice classification among male students of popular music vocals
대중가요 보컬 전공 남학생의 성종에 따른 모음 간 음역 차이
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2024;16(2):37-47.
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Effects of phonological awareness and phonological processing on language skills in 4- to 6-year old children with and without language delay
4~6세 일반아동 및 언어발달지연 아동의 음운인식 및 음운처리 능력이 언어 능력에 미치는 영향
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2020;12(1):51-63.
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A literature review on diagnostic markers and subtype classification of children with speech sound disorders
원인을 모르는 말소리장애의 하위유형 분류 및 진단 표지에 관한 문헌 고찰
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2022;14(2):87-99.
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Influence of standard Korean and Gyeongsang regional dialect on the pronunciation of English vowels
표준어와 경상 지역 방언의 한국어 모음 발음에 따른 영어 모음 발음의 영향에 대한 연구
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2021;13(4):1-7.
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A quantitative study on the minimal pair of Korean phonemes: Focused on syllable-initial consonants
한국어 음소 최소대립쌍의 계량언어학적 연구: 초성 자음을 중심으로
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2019;11(1):29-40.
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Laryngeal height and voice characteristics in children with autism spectrum disorders
자폐스펙트럼장애 아동의 후두 높이 및 음성 특성
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2021;13(2):91-101.
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A statistical analysis of wh-scope responses to embedded wh-phrases in Gyeongsang Korean
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2024;16(2):1-9.
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Vowel epenthesis and stress-focus interaction in L2 speech perception
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2024;16(2):11-17.
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The implementation of Korean adult’s optimal formant setting by Praat scripting
성인 포먼트 측정에서의 최적 세팅 구현: Praat software와 관련하여
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2019;11(4):97-108.
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Perceptual cues for /o/ and /u/ in Seoul Korean
서울말 /ᅩ/와 /ᅮ/의 지각특성
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2020;12(3):1-14.
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A comparative study of the acoustic characteristics of the vowel /a/ between children with spastic and dyskinetic cerebral palsy
경직형과 불수의운동형 뇌성마비아동의 /아/ 모음 음향학적 비교
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2020;12(1):65-74.
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Acoustic characteristics of speech-language pathologists related to their subjective vocal fatigue
언어재활사의 주관적 음성피로도와 관련된 음향적 특성
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2022;14(3):87-101.
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Perceptual training on Korean obstruents for Vietnamese learners
베트남 한국어 학습자를 위한 한국어 자음 지각 훈련 연구
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2023;15(4):17-26.
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