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Phonetics and Speech Sciences. Vol. 13, No. 3, 2021

Comparison of prosodic characteristics by question type in left- and right-hemisphere-injured stroke patients
좌반구 손상과 우반구 손상 뇌졸중 환자의 의문문 유형에 따른 운율 특성 비교
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2021;13(3):1-13.
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Korean speakers hyperarticulate vowels in polite speech
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2021;13(3):15-20.
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Relationship between executive function and cue weighting in Korean stop perception across different dialects and ages
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2021;13(3):21-29.
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The f0 distribution of Korean speakers in a spontaneous speech corpus
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2021;13(3):31-37.
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Production and perception of Korean word-initial stops from a sound change perspective
음 변화 관점에서 바라본 한국어 어두 폐쇄음의 발화 및 지각
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2021;13(3):39-51.
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Perception of Japanese word-initial stops by native listeners
모어청자에 의한 일본어 어두 폐쇄음의 지각
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2021;13(3):53-64.
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Speech Engineering/음성공학
Designing a large recording script for open-domain English speech synthesis
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2021;13(3):65-70.
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Text-to-speech with linear spectrogram prediction for quality and speed improvement
음질 및 속도 향상을 위한 선형 스펙트로그램 활용 Text-to-speech
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2021;13(3):71-78.
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Speech Disorders/말장애
The effects of repeated speech training using speech cues on the percentage of correct consonants and speech intelligibility in children with cerebral palsy: A single-subject design research
Speech cues를 이용한 반복훈련이 뇌성마비 아동의 자음정확도 및 말명료도에 미치는 영향: 단일대상연구
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2021;13(3):79-90.
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Effects of speech motor practice and linguistic complexity on articulation rate in adults who stutter
말운동 연습과 언어적 복잡성이 말더듬 성인의 조음속도에 미치는 영향
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2021;13(3):91-101.
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