List of Articles

Phonetics and Speech Sciences. Vol. 10, No. 4, 2018

The implementation of children’s automated formant setting by Praat scripting
Praat을 이용한 아동 포먼트 자동 세팅 스크립트 구현
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(4):1-10.
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Production of English final stops by Korean speakers
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(4):11-17.
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Effects of gender, age, and individual speakers on articulation rate in Seoul Korean spontaneous speech
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(4):19-29.
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Pitch trajectories of English vowels produced by American men, women, and children
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(4):31-37.
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A study of the preconsonantal vowel shortening in Chinese
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(4):39-44.
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Native language Interference in producing the Korean rhythmic structure: Focusing on Japanese
한국어 리듬구조에 미치는 L1의 영향: 일본인 학습자를 중심으로
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(4):45-52.
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A longitudinal study on the development of English phonological awareness in preschool children
어린이집 유아의 영어 음운 인식 발달 종단 연구
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(4):53-66.
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Acoustic characteristics of the sustained vowel phonation according to age groups
모음 연장 발성이 보이는 연령대별 음향음성학적 특성 연구
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(4):67-76.
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Coordinative movement of articulators in bilabial stop /p/
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(4):77-89.
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Tonal development and voice quality in the stops of Seoul Korean
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(4):91-99.
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Resyllabification in English: A phonetic study of word-medial /s/
영어 어중 /s/의 음성분석을 통한 영어 재음절화 연구
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(4):101-110.
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Speech Engineering
Performance of speech recognition unit considering morphological pronunciation variation
형태소 발음변이를 고려한 음성인식 단위의 성능
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(4):111-119.
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Voice quality transform using jitter synthesis
Jitter 합성에 의한 음질변환에 관한 연구
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(4):121-125.
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Communication Disorders
Acoustic-phonetic characteristics of fricatives distortion in functional articulation disorders
기능적 조음음운장애아동의 치조 마찰음 왜곡의 음향음성학적 특성
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(4):127-134.
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The effect of the Modified Voiced Lip Trill (MVoLT) training on vocal changes of musical theater students
응용 입술 트릴 훈련이 뮤지컬 전공 학생의 음성 변화에 미치는 효과
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(4):135-146.
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Acoustic analysis of wet voice among patients with swallowing disorders
삼킴장애 환자의 wet voice 관련 음향학적 분석
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(4):147-154.
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Efficacy of laughing voice treatment (SKMVTT) in benign vocal fold lesions
양성성대질환의 웃음 음성치료(SKMVTT) 효과
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(4):155-161.
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Efficacy of intensive treatment of dysarthria for people with multiple system atrophy
다계통위축증 환자를 대상으로 한 마비말장애 집중 치료의 효과
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(4):163-171.
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Analysis of sequential motion rate in dysarthric speakers using a software
소프트웨어를 이용한 마비말장애 화자의 일련운동속도 분석
Phonetics Speech Sci. 2018;10(4):173-177.
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